Panel two: He manages to hook himself under the table, and Dee is forced to pull him out. Q: If his legs are both dislocated, would the judge blame it on Dee or Mike? One's stressed and the other's negligent.
Panel three: Meredith pulls on her socks and Robin makes scrunchy faces. Elly is going to babysit!
Panel four: Robin's leg is bent around at a horribly unnatural angle. Meredith shows no signs of intelligence.
Panel five: Meredith is still not showing any signs of intelligence.
Panel six: Robin says 'whine', probably because his mother has her hand down his trousers. O_o Dee looks pretty shocked, too.
Panel seven: As Meredith begins to cry, Robin drops his trousers.
Panel eight: OH GOD THE DOORBELL RINGS. Dee is frozen in horror: what if it's Mike, come to upbraid her for letting the children be noisy? WHAT IF IT'S THE POLICE? WHAT IF THE NEIGHBOURS TELEPHONED THEM? OH NO!
Panel nine: Nope, it's Elly! Dee's relief is disturbing. Meanwhile, Meredith points and laughs at her trouserless brother.
And that's the end of my week. :D It's been fun, y'all.
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