Soujin (rainbowjehan) wrote in binky_betsy,

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Friday, November 23

HOLY COW. Distortion alert! To-day's strip is a veritable house of horrors.

Panel one: Mike, already suffering from male-pattern baldness and a receding hairline, as well as a hideously distended tongue, mocks a wide-eyed Liz for not having a cookie. Liz has become a hunchback.

Panel two: Mike continues to mock, licking his lips and sporting a grotesque, lidded smirk. Due to the unfortunate placement of the crumbs, he appears to have the beginnings of a five o'clock shadow. Between this and the hairline, I am forced to conclude he is not a child, but rather an adult midget of advancing years and dissolute habits. Liz, meanwhile, howls.

Panel three: As Mike pops the remains of the cookie into his mouth, Liz, her arm-hair bristling, her eyes swollen and blackened, her face misshapen, lunges for him, screaming "COOKIE!", doubtless a shout-out to the Great Moderator of our comm.

Panel four: Mike, his mouth suddenly large enough to consume Liz's head, clutches her doll-soft body to his chest in an attempt to squeeze her to death. The protuberance of her tongue suggests his efforts have paid off.

Are you scared? You should be.
Tags: classic strip, foob history, glurge, liz, smug mike, the hybrid, young mike

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