Panel one: Mike, already suffering from male-pattern baldness and a receding hairline, as well as a hideously distended tongue, mocks a wide-eyed Liz for not having a cookie. Liz has become a hunchback.
Panel two: Mike continues to mock, licking his lips and sporting a grotesque, lidded smirk. Due to the unfortunate placement of the crumbs, he appears to have the beginnings of a five o'clock shadow. Between this and the hairline, I am forced to conclude he is not a child, but rather an adult midget of advancing years and dissolute habits. Liz, meanwhile, howls.
Panel three: As Mike pops the remains of the cookie into his mouth, Liz, her arm-hair bristling, her eyes swollen and blackened, her face misshapen, lunges for him, screaming "COOKIE!", doubtless a shout-out to the Great Moderator of our comm.
Panel four: Mike, his mouth suddenly large enough to consume Liz's head, clutches her doll-soft body to his chest in an attempt to squeeze her to death. The protuberance of her tongue suggests his efforts have paid off.
Are you scared? You should be.