Panel Two: More telling instead of showing, but at least we get to learn something about April's summer. They taught me a lot and made me feel like I really belonged. Unlike the Patterson clan, who perpetually treats her like she's from another planet.
Panel Three: Taking this panel in combination with the second one? I think she actually did come back with increased self-confidence. And maybe that's exactly what Gerald doesn't like. April doesn't need him like she did before, to pay attention to her and make her feel valued. She has self-value. Taking very different paths? Lord, I hope so, because any path that leads her away from going roadside with you is a good one.
Panel Four: Oh, glurg. April, you FOOB, you have your chance to cut and run! Get away from the dumbass while you can!
And in Coffee Talk: A note from LJ, complete with the weirdest freaking signature I've ever watched write itself repeatedly.
EDIT -- At the time I caught the strip, the note from LJ was at the top of Coffee Talk. Since then, they've posted a bunch of messages -- none of which are giving up the Lynn love. I'm shocked! (Happily, though.)
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