Random thoughts about today's strip:
1) Why must every character in this strip scratch themselves when they first get out of bed?
2) John looks a tad like Melville Kelpfroth in the fourth panel. Speaking of Mr. Kelpfroth, are we to assume that he and his wife died from their burns since we haven't heard about them in months?
3) EW! I see the side view of John's nipple in panel 9. :barfs:
4) Any bets that this will be up on someone's fridge? I might, as it would be a great appetite suppressant.
5) Is it me, or are panels seven and ten the exact same drawing?
6) As much as I hate John's train outfit, I prefer that to his shirtless body and boxer shorts.
ETA: If the two tags don't go with this strip, let me know and I'll remove them.
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