Curugon (curugon) wrote in binky_betsy,

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Monday, September 10 (for real this time)

Hi all,

My apologies for the late posting. I'm in the home stretch of a 48-hour film festival (two days to shoot and edit a music video), and my brain's trying to take a vacation from reality. Enough excuses!

I'm not going to do a panel-by-panel today, but rather comment on four things...

Firstly... I'm a relative late-comer to FBOFW, possibly because my newspaper growing up didn't seem to carry it. So this new amalgamated strip is quite pleasant to me. I get to live the glory days for the first time, as it were, and I would hazard a guess that some of you are along for the same Canadatastic ride. Although I could really do without little present-day drawings of Mike staring blankly into space... presumably, Merrie has left the room to stick her finger into electrical outlets and he simply hasn't noticed.

Secondly... I have studied art most of my life, and I find the change in Lynn's style over the years to be rather enormous. Looking at Waterson, Schultz, Hart, and other classic cartoonists, you can see how their basic styles remained the same, but underwent evolution. Sorry if this topic has been run into the ground before. I just find it fascinating, and probably indicative of the slow changover of the Lynnions. That depresses me.

Thirdly... I'm rather charmed by lil' Lizzie thoroughly enjoying the empty candy wrappers, and (like some have posted) find no real fault in today's flashback. I'll take that as a kindness, considering Lynn is still holding the Lizthony union over our heads like a pasty, passive-aggresive Sword of Damocles.

And Fourthly... I'm really freaking disturbed that the Pattersons seem to own (thirty years ago) my current sofa.

Five hours to go until my deadline - wish me luck! See you tomorrow.


Tags: classic strip, dickhead mike, foob history, the hybrid, young mike

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