albuqwirkymom (albuqwirkymom) wrote in binky_betsy,

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It is OK to belittle old people as well as retards, apparently....

Panel 1 - Here comes Queen FlapNhonk with what looks like some leftover tuna noodle casserole for the Olds.  Iris is sitting alone, with empty dishes on the table, so it looks like she may have already eaten.  Would have been nice if Jelly called first.  Well, at least she's visiting.  I was afraid the Olds would be completely ignored while April was getting her attitude adjusted spending the summer on the farm.

Panel 2 - Iris has amazing xray vision because she can tell it's tuna noodle casserole with the lid on the dish.  Unless it is so incredibly pungent the aroma is a dead giveaway.  And shouldn't Jelly KNOW that the tuna noodle is her dad's favorite?

Also, Iris has chin balls, but the potato seems to be at a reasonable size.

Panel 3 - Elly.  You.  Bitch.  Nothing like talking about someone when they ARE RIGHT THERE!  Grrr.  Gran'pa Chin Balls looks like he is contemplating hacking them both into tiny pieces and scattering the remains across Northern Canada.   I don't blame him.

Also, insist on treating him like a child, please don't act so shocked when he acts like it.

Panel 4 - Yeah.  "NO!" is the best I would have to say here too.  Can I get a Margo!Boxcar!Saturn! ?

Panel 5 - Oh...ha ha...Now you two can go feel smug and superior while belittling an old man recovering from a stroke.    Also, notice how Jim fades into a sillouette, visually symbolizing his insignficance?

This bothers me.  A lot.  First of all I seriously want to bitch slap Elly AND Iris.  Secondly, the strip is NOT being consistant with itself again.  Someone with patience to go through the archives, please find me the strip where someone went on about how WONDERFUL it was to have the mind of a child.

ETA ~ Thank you Sonneta for pulling that strip.  And yes, it is Iris who says "at least he's happy".  Well...there ya go Iris.

Tags: grampa, grandpa, grotesque elly, inconsiderate asshats, iris martyred, stroke aftermath

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