floramel (floramel) wrote in binky_betsy,

Good morning good morning good morning, it's another lovely day! To those who are still with me on telethon week, let the fun begin!

Panel one: Now the fun begins. Is this suppose to appear on tv? Or is just a stage show? I don't remember anyone saying but either way you'd think April would do something different with her hair. Oh wait... no. I forgot. One of the rules in Foob is short hair or hair up=good girl Long hair down = bad girl.

Panel two: THEY'RE ON AFTER REBECCA??? THEY'RE DOOMED! April doesn't look like she's freaking out yet but I'm guessing that'll be tomorrow's strip. Meanwhile I'm not sure if the stage manager is blind or stoned but either way the eyes closed in both panels is kinda creeping me out. I also don't like how April's bangs are covering her eyes. If this were a manga, that might note that the character is hiding a dark secret or is upset but is hiding it from the other characters. I'd love to believe that April has something up her sleeve but it's probably just sloppy artwork.

Panel three: Fluid? Maybe the guy is stoned. Anyways, I'm not in the music business so maybe someone with experience in the field can clue me in but I'd think that they'd have a pretty solid schedule to keep.

Panel's four and five: A bathroom joke and a pun all in one! The pun is forced as usual. Unless "fluid" is apart of some stupid in joke that we're not privvy too, in which case we should have heard it before. The artwork in the last panel is especially terrible. No one runs like that. April's legs are at an odd angle and Eva looks like she's marching. My guess is tomorrow we'll see April going emo over having to go on after Rebecca while Eva calls her spoiled again. Can't wait.
Tags: eva, poo an' pee r funny, tel...e...thon

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