Anyway, we have a classic Violent Liz temper explosion, bottling up her feelings until she just has to hurt someone. Usually April. This time, April seems to have escaped. I wouldn't mind seeing Elly get a beat-down, but instead, Liz settles for brushing the dog way too hard. Poor dog. It looks like he's sleeping through it, but really I think he's just playing dead and hoping to escape any greater abuse.
Here's a hint, Liz: if you learned to actually communicate with the person you're upset with, these rage-a-thons would abate.
This strip continues the trend of making Liz ugly continues. She's still wearing her glasses. Yesterday, she had a big dumpy butt. Today, the big dumpy butt is still present in the last panel. Plus, we have the ultimate symbol of ugliness and evil: Liz has teeth in Panel 4. And good lord, is she ugly. Her head is all teeth, tongue, frazzled hair, and a gaping maw. Is making Liz resemble a teratoma supposed to help us understand why she's the lust object of every single man in the strip?
Bring on Anthony. Get this show on the road.
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