Panel 2: And she's wearing her glasses. They make her look more like her teenage self, which is certainly appropriate. And John's in the basement bathroom? WTF? Is the En Suite Baaath in
Panel 3: Wrong answer, April. Should have left it as "Okay, I'm out!" with a sickeningly sweet smile, as if you don't care (which you don't and shouldn't) care about her time spent waiting for you. And Liz, you have got to be kidding me. Unless you honestly plan to be a spinster, as in no social life, which is the mark of the true spinster as opposed to single person, you're always going to have to deal with sharing a house with someone else.
Panel 4: Or if you just want to be aggressive, April, that's okay too. Anything to light a fire under the Grieving Widow's expanding ass.
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