Binky Betsy (cookie77) wrote in binky_betsy,
Binky Betsy

Sunday, February 25

Panel 1: Weird: a glowing green person alone on a wind-swept balcony.

Panel 2: Ah, it's Jim.

Panel 3: I'm sorry to say, I can't read his expression. Is he happy, sad, pensive, other?

Panel 4: Someone's come to visit! Bet it's...

Panel 5: Sure enough -- April! Spoiled princess, right. But John will probably twist this to mean that she's sulking about not getting attention (which she doesn't deserve) at home, so she's going out in the field.

Panel 6: Aw, she's hugging him!

Panel 7: And telling him about the band! See, that's their connection!

Panel 8: Dixie's even excited!

Panel 9: And Iris is not butting in. See, Mike: you just have to be an INTERESTING conversationalist.

Panel 10: And she's leaving. Jim looks like today was a day well spent.

Panel 11: And she even gets thanked for it. At last!

Panel 12: Cool. I don't have a grain of snark for this; I really don't.
Tags: 4-evah and eva, grampa, musical april

  • Monday, 14 September 2009

    I think it's safe to say that we might see the arc in which Elly subs for Jean and makes a complete and utter bollocks of it. This is, of course,…

  • Sunday, January 13

    Sorry, guys! My cable went out and I just now got it back. Thanks to megan_koumori for carrying on in my absence! Panel 1: Great. Elly going to war…

  • Thursday, December 6

    Panel 1: Okay, this is ridiculous. Francie looks like a teenager, and the configuration is as if Granthony is courting her from below her balcony.…

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  • Monday, 14 September 2009

    I think it's safe to say that we might see the arc in which Elly subs for Jean and makes a complete and utter bollocks of it. This is, of course,…

  • Sunday, January 13

    Sorry, guys! My cable went out and I just now got it back. Thanks to megan_koumori for carrying on in my absence! Panel 1: Great. Elly going to war…

  • Thursday, December 6

    Panel 1: Okay, this is ridiculous. Francie looks like a teenager, and the configuration is as if Granthony is courting her from below her balcony.…