dreadedcandiru2 (dreadedcandiru2) wrote in binky_betsy,

Thursday, 6 January 2022

The one with the bad pun that reveals that Elly has a poor grasp on what causes back pain.

Panel 1: John gets up and screams in pain.

Panel 2: When Elly asks him what's wrong, the back he didn't take proper care of last time is hurting again.

Panel 3: This baffles her because all he's been doing is paying the bills. This harkens back to her doing exactly the wrong thing the last time and also advising exactly the wrong thing.

Panel 4: When she asks what heavy thing he was carrying, he makes a stupid comment about their overdraft.

Summary: This is why I don't feel bad that he goes to see a quack about his back. He deserves to be misdiagnosed.

  • Tuesday, 21 January 2025

    The one where April assumes that Elly wants to run away from home. Synopsis: John asks Liz where Elly is; when she alludes to Elly doing something…

  • Martin Luther King Day 2025

    The one where Lizardbreath sends Blandthony a message: "Peace through (passive-aggressive) tyranny."

  • Sunday, 19 January 2025

    The one where it's too early to teach April to ski.

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  • Tuesday, 21 January 2025

    The one where April assumes that Elly wants to run away from home. Synopsis: John asks Liz where Elly is; when she alludes to Elly doing something…

  • Martin Luther King Day 2025

    The one where Lizardbreath sends Blandthony a message: "Peace through (passive-aggressive) tyranny."

  • Sunday, 19 January 2025

    The one where it's too early to teach April to ski.