dreadedcandiru2 (dreadedcandiru2) wrote in binky_betsy,

Wednesday, 16 June 2021

The one where Elly lies about her being confident in Mike's driving skills.

Synopsis: Elly talks a good game about how Mike's plan to take Liz out for an outing doesn't bother her but worrying about nothing is Elly's thing so.....

Summary: This is less out of concern for his well-being and more her being a Mom Martyr who begrudges every step towards independence he might take. Also, he's taking HER baby. This is just practice for next winter when we're reminded that John loves lifeless. soulless mechanical contrivances (like himself) more than he'll ever love a human being.

  • Why We Hate Anthony

    Title inspired by Shaenon K. Garrity's brilliant essay. And now...a look at Liz and Anthony over the years as they dated, broke up, dated, broke…

  • (no subject)

    I still can't get over how badly LJ mishandled Liz's sexually assult/going after/harassment storyline. I was thinking about it today when I was…

  • Saturday, August 20

    Okay, I knew from the spoilers that today's strip would have Liz musing to Shiimsa. Only, I thought it would be something more concrete: something…

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  • Why We Hate Anthony

    Title inspired by Shaenon K. Garrity's brilliant essay. And now...a look at Liz and Anthony over the years as they dated, broke up, dated, broke…

  • (no subject)

    I still can't get over how badly LJ mishandled Liz's sexually assult/going after/harassment storyline. I was thinking about it today when I was…

  • Saturday, August 20

    Okay, I knew from the spoilers that today's strip would have Liz musing to Shiimsa. Only, I thought it would be something more concrete: something…