Binky Betsy (cookie77) wrote in binky_betsy,
Binky Betsy

Friday, December 22

Panel 1: And there you have it. "I want Daddy!" I'm mildly surprised he's a priority with Merrie, though.

Panel 2: Who is that figure lurking in the window? And for god's sake, Deanna has one hand on Merrie's head, where she could just as easily push her as hold her up, and Robin under her arm like an animal. She's panicking, and I don't blame her. She shouldn't be worrying that she'll never see her husband alive again at the same time that she's doing this.

Panel 3: Confirmation that it's the Evil Kelpfroths, of course. And how's she going to answer that question? Is anyone going to think of Lovey? And are Weed and Carleen vulnerable? I'm honestly unclear on that setup.

Panel 4: Perfect setup for the firefighter to say, "He went to get his WHAT?" He won't, of course.

Panel 5: Okay.

Okay. We can at least take comfort in someone having said that.
Tags: doormat deanna, fire, pattersons aren't perfect??

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    I thought I'd contribute some unfavourite storylines: April, Becky and the neverending fighting. They met at daycare, aged 2, but the arguing didn't…

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  • April & Becky

    I thought I'd contribute some unfavourite storylines: April, Becky and the neverending fighting. They met at daycare, aged 2, but the arguing didn't…

  • Saturday, 19 April 2008

    It's the wrap-up of one of the most pointlessly hateful weeks of the Declining Years that isn't one of the "Pick on Mira for the sake of picking on…

  • Wednesday, October 24

    Panel One: Okay, she's not bailing on the Halloween gig, that's cool. Gerald looks like his face is melting off in this panel, or like he's slowly…