(Original Publication Date, 11 April 1991)
Panel 1: A few days after things have settled down, we find Liz asking Elly why she named the baby 'April'. Elly says that she did so because it's a lovely name and a lovely month.
Panel 2: As she hands April over to Liz to hold so she can change her diaper, she gushes that April is warm days, fresh flowers and nesting birds.
Panel 3: As Elly puts a fresh sheet in the bassinet, Liz mutters "Yeah."
Panel 4: This is so she can say "It also rains a lot" in order to hang a lampshade on how a baby has very little bladder control.
Summary: April is not just a bad joke about how it fools us all. April can have the second syllable lopped off by crazy idiot children. Mike is going to point that out tomorrow.