(Original Publication Date, 9 December 1990)
Panel 1: We find ourselves watching Elly and Elizabeth go grocery shopping.
Panel 2: Liz holds the cart so Elly can look at her shopping list.
Panel 3: As they go down the aisle, Elly complains because they've rearranged the cereals again. How is a busy mother with no help (despite having help standing right next to her) and no time to herself (despite having plenty of time to piss and moan about non-issues like how Megafoods arranges cereal) to find anything?
Panel 4: She then gripes about another minor irritant when she says that They should stop putting displays in the aisles because SHE cannot get around them easily.
Panel 5: Next, she complains about the quality of the vegetables (which have to be shipped in at risk to truck drivers' lives) and the absence of the peaches that she wanted.
Panel 6: When she gets to the check-out, she barks annoyingly about what a nuisance it is that everyone else doesn't scurry out of the way because she has so little time to do not a whole Hell of a lot really.
Panel 7: Having noticed that Liz hasn't said much, Elly asks her why she's so quiet.
Panel 8: We realize that Sundayverse Liz is shopping with Weekdayverse Elly when she says that some people have never seen this much food in their lives.
Panel 9: Thinking about how lucky she and Elly are gives Elly pause.
Summary: Given who Elly is, I should think that she's going to be in a worse mood because her child lectured to her about refugees in war zones like SHE was a spoiled brat. She won't take stuff like that from her own mother so what makes anyone think she'll take it from her kid?