dreadedcandiru2 (dreadedcandiru2) wrote in binky_betsy,

Tuesday, 1 May 2018

Liz is compared to a wild animal trying to see where its enemies are when she raids the cupboards for goodies Elly doesn't want her to have.

(Strip Number 5119, Original Publication Date, 2 May 1989)

Panel 1: Having come across a squirrel scold-barking to ward off predators, Liz asks Mike why it's making so much noise.

Panel 2: Mike tells her that he thinks that it's doing so to attract its enemies and if none of them appear, it knows that it's safe. We get a sort of blind leading the blind moment when she accepts this garbled look at wildlife at face value.

Panel 3: This is because the Wildlife Minute From Crazytown is meant to set up a gag. Said joke involves Liz standing in the kitchen covered in mud yelling to see if anyone's there.

Panel 4: Since her natural predator is over at Connie's drinking coffee and feeling insecure about her perm, Liz happily chows down on a box of cookies from the cupboard.

Summary: Any notes will be dismissive nonsense that have Lynn mutter about the indignity of being told that she got a fact wrong when the 'important' thing is setting up a weak as water joke.

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