Binky Betsy (cookie77) wrote in binky_betsy,
Binky Betsy

Friday, October 6

Panel 1: Ah, so we're finally catching up with the retcons. I don't understand why they had to put them up so fast. They could have made them a few days late instead of two days early. Anyway, yeah, Phil's hear. And Elly has been at the hospital "day and night", except when she's telling Iris it's time to go home.

Panel 2: Weeks? Jeez. But on the bright side, that gives Liz plenty of time to get the news and haul her carcass to the hospital.

Panel 3: Hm, perhaps Shannon does have some understanding of the situation; the medical situation, I mean. Perhaps she finally has something to teach April. And it only took two years.

Panel 4: I hate to say this, but I shudder to think how Shannon would talk if she did not have a therapist. At any rate, though, we're finally getting some input that April can't find offensive, by either our standards or her own. That said, I hope we're not going to see Jim's reaction to a perky young female therapist.

Panel 5: Well, I really can't find fault with this. I am so glad that for ONCE, Shannon was shown being genuinely helpful, instead of just fawning over April. But why can't April TELL her this? Let her KNOW that she's appreciated!

And I like the slogan on the back of the wheelchair. Pizza really is currency in the FOOBiverse, isn't it.


Re: the icon crisis. I said this earlier, but I've fine-tuned it and am reposting.

I see how it is now.

Mike writes an article, column, whatever, mocking the Kelpfroths. They get bent out of shape and threaten legal action. It comes to nothing, because after all, Mike has freedom of speech, and the landlady, on his side. And the Kelpfroths are mean people, right? They made themselves targets by wanting peace and quiet, smoking cigars, and collecting war memorabilia, so they shouldn't complain if they get insulted. And the landlady doesn't have to treat them fairly, because the Pattersons are more important. "People, like animals, must mark their territory...and some people are more primitive than others."

People on this blog make icons mocking FOOB. Lynn/the Lynnions get bent out of shape and threaten legal action. It remains to be seen whether or not it will come to anything, but after all, they have freedom of speech, and LiveJournal, on their side. And we are mean people, right? It's not like Lynn made herself a target with crappy writing, annoying characters, and bad art, and she has every right to complain about being insulted. And LiveJournal doesn't have to treat us fairly, because Lynn is more important. "People, like animals, must mark their territory...and some people are more primitive than others."
Tags: saint...shan...non, shan...non, stroke aftermath

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