(Strip Number 5036, Original Publication Date, 20 October 1988)
Panel 1: When John makes a mildly negative off-camera comment about being penciled in, Elly reminds him that she's gotta go to this meeting because they're behind schedule planning this year's Christmas program at the library.
Panel 2: He knows this but he points out that she also has the Arts Council, hospital volunteers and hockey moms vying for her time.
Panel 3: Since she never met an obligation she felt comfortable turning down, she points out that all those people need her.
Panel 4: When we zoom out to see a hang-dog rest of the family who are about to say the same thing, she reminds herself of another group that needs her: John and the kids.
Summary: Given the setting, it doesn't take much to turn a PSA about avoiding over-extension and over-committing into Lynn bitching about how she's not allowed a public identity. Anything to avoid admitting to having the sort of Type AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!! personality that has to barricade itself in a den to protect itself from being all things to no people.