(Strip Number 5032, Original Publication Date, 14 October 1988)
Panel 1: We plod mercilessly on with Lizzie asking a girl named Brandy if she wants to go play on the swings. Brandy gets all uppity when she says no.
Panel 2: This angers and confuses Lizzie who points out that yesterday, she said they could be friends. Brandy says that was yesterday. (Gee. I wonder if Dawn was at the losing end of the same conversation just now.)
Panel 3: Since it's kind of obvious that Brandy is the type to declare "whoever shows up first" is her BFF, she tells her that today, she's friends with another yellow-haired girl named Rebekah and that maybe the two of them can be friends another time.
Panel 4: Since Lizzie doesn't like dealing with her own brand of fickleness when she's the victim of it, she yells that she can hardly wait.
Summary: Lynn and Lizzie want to cast Brandy as a selfish snob but it seems to me that she's just some kid with a rather fluid idea of who her friend is. It's like watching Mike latch on to the first person who showed up when he yelled "I'm over HERE" two months ago.