(Strip Number 6167, Original Publication Date, 1 May 1988)
Panel 1: We start off with a panel of Elly knitting something.
Panel 2: This is followed by her purling said item.
Panel 3: The strip proper begins when Connie compliments Elly on the pretty sweater and then saying that she was unaware that Elly could knit.
Panel 4: This surprises Elly and has her mention that she learned when she was five.
Panel 5: She then asks if Connie has failed to notice the basket of sewing she keeps in her sewing room.
Panel 6: She then says that she figures that if she keeps at it, she'll have it done by Tuseday,
Panel 7: Connie calls this impressive and asks Elly when she started.
Panel 8: In the original, she says 1976 but since she's trying to modernize the strip, she says 1986.
Summary: This sort of dilutes the original point of the strip. Back in 1988, Elly was slamming Mike and Lizzie by proxy because she hadn't had a moment's peace since they were born. Here, it looks as if Elly has been putting things off since she was five.