(Strip Number 4870, Original Publication Date, 2 October 1987)
Panel 1: We start things off with Elly letting Farley into the house because it looks as if he wants in.
Panel 2: Since she doesn't realize that he's actually trying to call her attention to something, she yells at him to make up his mind and go back out.
Panel 3: Since she's too stupid to understand what Farley is paying attention to, she yells at him to forget about coming in and making her angry.
Panel 4: This causes Richard (whose presence Farley was trying to alert her to) to state that he hasn't even knocked yet.
Summary: For some reason, Lynn loves watching Elly be a terrible pet owner. She doesn't realize it because she's probably a terrible pet owner in her own right but watching Elly get pointlessly upset at an animal she lacks the patience and brains to deal with tickles Lynn.