dreadedcandiru2 (dreadedcandiru2) wrote in binky_betsy,

Thursday, 21 July 2016

John destroys any chance Mike might have had to learn something by implying that his real crime was getting caught.

(Strip Number 1180, Original Publication Date, 23 July 1987)

Panel 1: Having been informed by the person he thinks of as "the older of Lawrence's new sisters" of Mike's misdeed, John tries to impress upon him the seriousness of spying on girls.

Panel 2: Mike babbles feeble bullshit about how since the tree and her window were there, he and the others were helpless in the face of voyeurism.

Panel 3: Having noticing that Daddy ain't buying it, Mike asks what he's gonna do t'him.

Panel 4: John tells Mike "The same thing my dad did to me when I got caught putting a periscope to the moon on the Kennedy's outhouse."

Summary: You hear that? It's the sound of John failing as a parent. He's just reinforced the objectification message. Worse, he's farming out the punishment to Elly.....whose idea of punishment is throwing kids out of the house until dusk and not supervising them much. The resultant non-grounding grounding doesn't really make the moral lesson stick.

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  • A Storm in April

    Inspired by the Christmas Angel post I looked at some of the other For Better or For Worse TV episodes and found this little gem. I'm not sure if…

  • April's Letter, April 2009

    Hey, everyone, it's 18-year-old April here! Of course, every time I've ever imagined what my 18th birthday would be like, I never imagined it would…

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