dreadedcandiru2 (dreadedcandiru2) wrote in binky_betsy,

Thursday, 30 June 2016

We have a bit of a break from the wild animal act so that we can be reminded that Lizzie is a messy eater.

(Strip Number 4828, Original Publication Date, 2 July 1987)

Panel 1: As she potters around in the garden, Mike tells Elly that he took Lawrence around to reintroduce him to the neighbors and invited some kids over for some popsicles.

Panel 2: Elly asks him how they knew that the Pattersons had popsicles to have.

Panel 3: As he shows Elly Lizzie's stained face and shirt-front, he tells her that word leaked out.

Summary: Oddly enough, this is the one strip I expect to see a Lynnsight attached to. Lynn never misses a chance to blast her kids about messy eating. Also, this is the first part of a two-parter.

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