dreadedcandiru2 (dreadedcandiru2) wrote in binky_betsy,

Good Friday 2016

We find Lizzie dealing with a rather commonplace dilemma: she has to do the tidying up she'd rather delay now and wait to do the Easter eggs she wants to colour now.

(Strip Number 1138, Original Publication Date, 17 April 1987)

Panel 1: As Elly prepares supper, Lizzie asks her how many eggs she can colour for Easter. Elly says a dozen.

Panel 2: An excited Lizzie asks when she can cook them because she hopes the answer is 'now'.

Panel 3: Elly does that stupid closed-eyed, turn-her-back-to-her-child thing so she can't see Lizzie being crushed like an ant by being told that it has to be done later after she cleans her room.

Panel 4: Lizzie thought-bubbles sadly that everything she wants to do has to be done later while everything she wants to do later has to be done now.

Summary: Welcome to the real world, Liz. We all have stuff we want to do but have to put off because there's stuff we have to do. The key is not resenting it like the big-ass hypocrite you call a mother.

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  • April & Becky

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