(Strip Number 4769, Original Publication Date, 23 February 1987)
Panel 1: As Annie looks on in the background, a delighted Elly is on the phone responding to wonderful news from Connie.
Panel 2: As she sits down, Elly tells Anne Connie's wonderful news: Greg's being transferred to Milborough (in the original version, Scarborough) and thus Connie is coming back home.
Panel 3: Elly wants Annie to agree that it's great that someone she finds to be an irritant is going to be back next week to look for a house.
Panel 4: Since Elly doesn't remember that Anne doesn't much care for the basket case, she's confused by the bitter-sounding "Just great" Anne pushes past her lips.
Summary: This sort of disproves Lizzie's comment about how grown-ups don't have problems like the one she's got with Paula. This is because despite Elly's reassurances otherwise, Annie is right to see herself as being demoted to back-up friend.