Panel 2: Ah, so Elly's going to use the skills she learned in her photography course! She's got a nice rack here, too.
Panel 3: Is Robin playing at being Bob the Builder? Mike has a defiant stance for some reason.
Panel 4: Oh, so everyone's going to get fed up while Elly micromanages, and a candid photo will end up being anything but.
Panel 5: Aw! Even Edgar is smiling! Liz and Mike look like Donnie and Marie.
Panel 6: Yep, here it comes. And where did her boobs go?
Panel 7: Oh, there they are, but they're sagging.
Panel 8: Well, at least she knows how to do that. Or will we find out in the next panel that she really didn't?
Panel 9: "Dites fromage!"
Panel 10: I wish I knew how to close one eye.
Panel 11: AAAAAAAA! The whole family spontaneously combusted!
Panel 12: Ha, ha, ha. And of course, John is wondering whether or not to tell her why that is. Actually, I can kind of sympathize for a different reason: I was once at a similar gathering, where every time someone saw me with a camera, they started posing. Which I did not want! Anyway, face it, Elly: you drain the fun out of everything.