dreadedcandiru2 (dreadedcandiru2) wrote in binky_betsy,

Victoria Day 2015

We begin the "Mike freeloads off of the Enjo family" arc with the Ungrateful Wretch staring pathetically through the dining room window because he wants them to think that St Elly is starving him.

(Strip Number 4612, Original Publication Date, 19 May 1986)

Panel 1: When he and Mike arrive at the Enjo's house, Carol calls Brian in for supper.

Panel 2: Carol does the neighborly thing and asks Mike if he'd care to join them.

Panel 3: He thanks her but says that he already ate.

Panel 4: Since going back home would mean standing out in the yard until sunset and not getting to watch television, we find Mike staring through the Enjo's dining room window looking longingly at them as they eat.

Summary: This isn't doing him any favors as regards convincing the Enjos that he's not some sort of freak. Either he's got a tapeworm or his mother is starving him or something; either way, the boy just ain't right.

  • April & Becky

    I thought I'd contribute some unfavourite storylines: April, Becky and the neverending fighting. They met at daycare, aged 2, but the arguing didn't…

  • Saturday, 19 April 2008

    It's the wrap-up of one of the most pointlessly hateful weeks of the Declining Years that isn't one of the "Pick on Mira for the sake of picking on…

  • Wednesday, October 24

    Panel One: Okay, she's not bailing on the Halloween gig, that's cool. Gerald looks like his face is melting off in this panel, or like he's slowly…

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  • April & Becky

    I thought I'd contribute some unfavourite storylines: April, Becky and the neverending fighting. They met at daycare, aged 2, but the arguing didn't…

  • Saturday, 19 April 2008

    It's the wrap-up of one of the most pointlessly hateful weeks of the Declining Years that isn't one of the "Pick on Mira for the sake of picking on…

  • Wednesday, October 24

    Panel One: Okay, she's not bailing on the Halloween gig, that's cool. Gerald looks like his face is melting off in this panel, or like he's slowly…