(Strip Number 7208, Original Publication Date, 9 February 1986)
Panel 1: We see Mike dressed to go out while looking over his shoulder in a furtive manner.
Panel 2: We then see why that is when he winces after Elly yells "STOP RIGHT THERE!!!!" off-panel.
Panel 3: The strip most people will actually read begins with Mike pathetically pleading "I gotta go out! The guys are waiting for me! PLEEEASE?" to Rage-Faced Elly.
Panel 4: Closed-Eyes She-Looks-Like-She's-Smelled-Something-D
Panel 5: He slumps upstairs and thought-bubbles "GLOOM!!!" because his need to waste time instead of being a good child and remembering that all he'll ever be is an extension of Elly's will has been thwarted.
Panel 6: She then yells upstairs that he must remember that it has to be spotless (and thus impress the Quality Women by showing no trace of human occupation.)
Panel 7: Sometime later, she comes in to check up on him and gasps in horror.
Panel 8: This is because, as she exasperatedly reminds him, it's been an hour and he hasn't done squat.
Panel 9: She gets extra-goggle eyed when he tells her that he'd decided to not go out in the first place.
Summary: As I recall, this is fodder for a Little Lindy thing about how responsible she had to be growing up. As I also recall, Elly never did quite manage to connect her habit of simply descending upon his room when he wasn't there and just shoving things into a garbage bag at random with his desire to make his room into a sort of a fortress against her great big love and the way it manifests its as trying to destroy any trace of his identity.