(Strip Number 1011, Original Publication Date, 21 January 1986)
Panel 1: We find ourselves watching Jim pacing the floor like a caged animal and Marian setting up the punchline by inviting him to have a cup of tea
Panel 2: Since he's the same sort of Type A personality Elly is, he tetchily comments that he wants to DO something.
Panel 3: Elly tells him he's not supposed to do anything because he's on holiday.
Panel 4: Jim's ultra-reasonable response to being told to relax for once in his life is to bulge his eyes out like a panicky idiot, spit out his cigarette, and bellow "I'm retired, Elly - my whole LIFE is a holiday!!"
Summary: This sort of "I have too much free time so I have to barge right on into your house and meddle like a jackass with bell-bottoms and a tangerine ascot and a conversion van covered in flower decals" bullshit Jim is spouting is probably also why Marian is there as well. Ah, well. We know that Elly got being anal-retentive from Marian and now we know where she got her love of useless busywork that creates more problems than it solves.