dreadedcandiru2 (dreadedcandiru2) wrote in binky_betsy,

Thursday, 19 June 2014

We loosely echo the turkey thing when John wants to put a long time between now and laughing everything off.

(Strip Number 874, Original Publication Date, 20 June 1985)

Panel 1: Now that the cops have left, John whines that he's never been this embarrassed before in his life.

Panel 2: This is because the entire neighborhood watched him get arrested.

Panel 3: Since he doesn't notice that his loving family are laughing at his dumb ass, John speculates that some day, they'll all laugh at this.

Panel 4: Upon noticing that "some day" is now, he yells "I said SOME DAY!!!"

Summary: As I said last December, I think that John is somewhat of a hypocrite on this. If the cuffs had been on the other wrists, he'd only get defensive and wounded like this when asked to consider Steve's feelings.

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  • Sunday, January 27

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