(Strip Number 4505, Original Publication Date, 29 May 1985)
Panel 1: Elly and John are gardening when Elly mentions that it is good exercise and that she feels thinner already.
Panel 2: Elly then asks John if she looks thinner.
Panel 3: Since she doesn't realize that his mind is racing in a futile attempt to find a response to her query that won't get twisted into "HE THINKS I'M FAT AND UGLY!!!!! WAAAAHHH!!!!!", she prods him for a response.
Panel 4: Her mood shifts to despair when he asks what he can say that won't get him into trouble.
Summary: Unlike John, Elly doesn't know herself well enough to realize that nothing anyone can say can please her. She thinks she's an open-minded, easy-going person surrounded by jerks who insult her because she doesn't own her ability to twist everything into a slight.