(Strip Number 856, Original Publication Date, 16 May 1985)
Panel 1: Mike tells Lawrence to make note of the cake raffle the Home Ec class is having. What I notice is that despite it supposedly being 2014, Lynn still has a ticket price that was lenient back in 1985.
Panel 2: As he pays for his tickets, Mike asks Lawrence if he's going to do so. Lawrence can't because he forgot his lunch money.
Panel 3: Mike says that he will let Lawrence have one of his tickets on one condition.
Panel 4: Said condition is that Mike gets to take the ticket back if he wins.
Summary: The problem with trying to paint Mike as not knowing what generosity really means is that we have to remember that he's been raised to see everyone else as a vending machine by parents who ask him to put their needs first and his own a distant second.