howtheduck (howtheduck) wrote in binky_betsy,

Thursday, May 11

Join us today for the new exciting game show: Is It a Boy or a Girl? See if you come to the same panel-by-panel conclusion as our expert “panel” of judges: Ms. Story, Ms. Art, and Ms. WTF.
Panel 1:
Elly: Ms. Story: No words. Male.Ms. Art: Short hair. Masculine chin. Right arm long enough to be held parallel to the baby’s bottom. Left arm fully extended to hold baby safely away from the body. Male. Ms. WTF: WTF is the reason Elly is answering the door while holding the baby?
Robin: Ms. Story: No words. Male.Ms. Art: Lumpy bottom. Male. Ms. WTF: WTF?
Lovey: Ms. Story: Pronouncement of good on taking care of a baby. Female. Ms. Art: Big Bottom. Female. Ms. WTF: WTF is the reason Lovey has to point out the obvious? We can see Elly holding the baby.

Panel 2:
Elly: Ms. Story: Gives a compliment for home remedies. Female. Ms. Art: No visible bun. Masculine chin. Holding baby by the left knee and stomach. Male. Ms. WTF:WTF is the reason Lovey has to produce remedies? Isn’t Deanna a freaking pharmacist?
Robin: Ms. Story: No words. Male.Ms. Art: Square face. Male. Ms. WTF:WTF is the reason this baby isn’t crying his eyes out? I thought he had a continuous earache? Don’t tell me it’s the magic of Elly.
Lovey: Ms. Story: Pronouncement of grandmotherly need. Female. Ms. Art: Neither male nor female. That round circular, detachable nose clearly belongs to a different category--Muppet.Ms. WTF:WTF is the reason Lovey has brought a casserole dish? She takes care of their kids and now she feeds them too?

Panel 3:
Elly: Ms. Story: No words. Male.Ms. Art: No visible bun. Masculine chin. Receding hairline. Male. Ms. WTF: WTF?
Robin: Ms. Story: No words. Male.Ms. Art: Delicate cheeks. Exaggerated eyelashes. Female. Ms. WTF:WTF?
Lovey: Ms. Story: Discussing how she tries and it doesn’t always work. Female. Ms. Art: With that nose, still Muppet. Ms. WTF: WTF is the relationship between a remedy that doesn’t work and this hot milk and brandy remedy story? Is Lovey saying she only helps because the neighbours were mad?

Panel 4:
Elly: Ms. Story: Terse sentences. Male. Ms. Art: No visible bun. But weak chin. Female. Ms. WTF: WTF is the reason Elly actually believes Lovey would feed a child Brandy? Does she really say things only to set up the punch line?
Robin: Ms. Story: No words. Male. Ms. Art: Strong jawline. Male. Ms. WTF:WTF is the reason this baby is staring at the casserole dish? Has he never seen one before?
Lovey: Ms. Story: 3 word sentence. Male. Ms. Art: With those big lips. Female. Ms. WTF: WTF is the reason Lovey thinks that getting drunk is the perfect solution for worried and tired parents?

Panel 5:
Elly: Ms. Story: No words. Male. Ms. Art: No visible bun. Cleft in chin. No visible breasts. Male. Ms. WTF: WTF is the reason Elly seems pleased that Lovey took her sick grandson to stay with her? I would be going WTF am I doing here, if Lovey is already doing the job I am here to do?
Robin: Ms. Story: No words. Male.Ms. Art: Going for a necklace. Delicate cheeks. Exaggerated eyelashes. Female. Ms. WTF:WTF is the reason Lovey is picking this baby up after Elly just put him down? Is she trying to make some point about which of them the baby prefers?
Lovey: Ms. Story: Self-sacrificing dialogue. Female. Ms. Art: Reaching for a child. Female. Ms. WTF: WTF is the reason Lovey thinks that taking Robin to her place is a solution? Carleen and Weed and Morrie don’t need much sleep either?
Tags: elly supermom, howtheduck, lovey, patterspawn

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