(Strip Number 768, Original Publication Date, 19 December 1984)
Panel 1: We start things off with Lizzie playing with her dolly as she sings the following improvised lyrics to "Deck The Halls": "Dep the halls wif balls of folly/Falla-la-laaa/laa-laa-laaa-nahhh!!
Panel 2: His response is to tell her "Y'got all the words wrong, dummy! It's 'Deck the halls.' Donchaknow what 'deck' means?!"
Panel 3: She "says" I do so know what "deck" means by decking him.
Panel 4: As a pain star radiates from his head, Mike thought-bubbles that Lizzie isn't as dumb as she looks.
Summary: I agree. As a for instance, she's not stupid enough to feed someone straight lines. That being said, I like her version better than John's "glory in excesses" or "facing unafraid the bills left unpaid." (But not as much as "Deck us all with Boston Charlie" by Walt Kelly.)