dreadedcandiru2 (dreadedcandiru2) wrote in binky_betsy,

The Latest News: Lynn boasts about her latest award:

I just noticed something on News Bytes: Lynn talking about her latest award. As always, she needed a chaperone and made a stupid, embarrasing speech:

In October Lynn traveled to Vancouver, where the International Women's Forum inducted her into their International Hall of Fame during their 2013 conference (more about the IWF).
Lynn attended the awards gala with her son, Aaron, pictured below. We've shared the contents of Lynn's acceptance speech underneath the photos!

I never got along with girls when I was a kid. It seemed that all the girls in my neighbourhood wore dresses and played with dolls and I wanted to get dirty and fight.
The boys on our block had a club, but they wouldn't let me join it because I couldn't pee through the knot-hole in Gary Perkins' garage.
It wasn't until I was a teenager that I learned the true value of female friendship, and the girls I was closest to then are still close to me now. After 50 years, I have two men friends I still keep in touch with...these were guys I never married.
AAAAhhhh, marriage. What a great subject for a cartoonist! Aside from raising kids, managing a home and making a living, marriage itself provides endless comic material. Not all of it is funny. When I was asked by Universal Press Syndicate to create a comic strip from a woman's point of view, I promised to show my side- OUR side of it, wart and all.
For 30 years, I wrote and drew For Better or for Worse - sending it out there like a cry for help- and women wrote back to me. They told me that I was telling their story. That I was a voice for moms everywhere and they made me feel vindicated. More than that, they made me feel normal!
I thought I had nothing in common with girls when I was a kid but as a wife and mother, I had everything in common. We are not only the stronger sex, we're the funniest! I wish I could thank everyone who wrote to me to say they shared my thoughts, my feelings, my fears and my fantasies. But, I can thank you all here tonight! This award is something I could never have imagined. I will treasure it. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart!


1) We get even more proof that Jo Weeder is the Aaron-that-is.
2) Lynn once again uses "vindicated" when she means to say "validated".
4) Rod gets both short shrift and what trumanf calls a scraping.
5) Yeah. A cry for help. "HELP!!! My family doesn't thank me for every little damned thing!!"

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