dreadedcandiru2 (dreadedcandiru2) wrote in binky_betsy,

Sunday, 22 September 2013: Karma, meet John Patterson.

While I would usually sympathize with a man who makes the horrifying discovery that his toothbrush has been used to clean off guest soaps, John has made such an ugly, ignorant, insensitive, patronizing, whiny, self-centered and chauvinistic fool of himself the last few days, I find it difficult to keep from laughing in sadistic glee.

(Strip Number 6140, Original Publication Date, 23 September 1984)

Panel 1: We start things off in the washroom watching Mike humming to himself as he puts a small bar of soap into a tray.

Panel 2: He then puts the tray on the vanity.

Panel 3: He then reminds Elly of that little basket of guest soaps in the downstairs washroom.

Panel 4: The reason he asked is that he remembers that she said they were all dusty and she didn't know how to clean them.

Panel 5: He says that he found a way to clean all of them.

Panel 6: She praises him for his being thoughtful and asks what he used to clean them with.

Panel 7: Judging from the fact that a freaked-out John is holding his toothbrush while foaming at the mouth, I think we can guess what he used.

Summary: While she never went out of her way to line her Sunday strips up with the others, coincidences like that can be entertaining, can't they?

  • Tuesday, 21 January 2025

    The one where April assumes that Elly wants to run away from home. Synopsis: John asks Liz where Elly is; when she alludes to Elly doing something…

  • Martin Luther King Day 2025

    The one where Lizardbreath sends Blandthony a message: "Peace through (passive-aggressive) tyranny."

  • Sunday, 19 January 2025

    The one where it's too early to teach April to ski.

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  • Tuesday, 21 January 2025

    The one where April assumes that Elly wants to run away from home. Synopsis: John asks Liz where Elly is; when she alludes to Elly doing something…

  • Martin Luther King Day 2025

    The one where Lizardbreath sends Blandthony a message: "Peace through (passive-aggressive) tyranny."

  • Sunday, 19 January 2025

    The one where it's too early to teach April to ski.