His theory is that most, if not all, of the great comic strip characters are, in someway, losers. On the one hand, I can understand where's he's coming from and his reasoning. Then again, if being a loser was all it took for comic greatness, then Anthony would be King of the Funnies. Still, I think it applies to FBorFW, even if Lynn never intended it that way. Nothing ever really goes the way her befuddled, dimwitted heroine really expects or wants it to, does it?
Dear Mr. Watterson: Stephan Pastis
His theory is that most, if not all, of the great comic strip characters are, in someway, losers. On the one hand, I can understand where's he's coming from and his reasoning. Then again, if being a loser was all it took for comic greatness, then Anthony would be King of the Funnies. Still, I think it applies to FBorFW, even if Lynn never intended it that way. Nothing ever really goes the way her befuddled, dimwitted heroine really expects or wants it to, does it?
Tuesday, 11 February 2025
The one where Mike is still hung up on Rhetta.
Monday, 10 February 2025
The one where it's Elly's fault Mike won't get his shit together.
Sunday, 9 February 2025
The one where Rod learned that whatever he got Lynn for Valentines Day 1995, it wasn't good enough. Synopsis: John wanders the streets in a…
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Tuesday, 11 February 2025
The one where Mike is still hung up on Rhetta.
Monday, 10 February 2025
The one where it's Elly's fault Mike won't get his shit together.
Sunday, 9 February 2025
The one where Rod learned that whatever he got Lynn for Valentines Day 1995, it wasn't good enough. Synopsis: John wanders the streets in a…