Panel 2: Well, some of the notes are bent, so that means they're off, but hey, keep at it!
Panel 3: Or not. I guess the stars had a negative connotation too. Still, Propeller-Head gives up too easily. And Duncan...I hate to say it, but he looks like Stepin Fetchit.
Panel 4: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's ALL BECKY'S FAULT. Congratulations, April: you now have an excuse for everything. Bad grades? Becky's fault. Your acne? That's Becky too. When Butterscotch dies? Damn that Becky!
Except someone is about to disagree. Can it be...
Panel 5: Crap. Not Eva appearing in the doorway. Nice, Gerald, very nice. You and April deserve each other.
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