dreadedcandiru2 (dreadedcandiru2) wrote in binky_betsy,

Saturday, 19 January 2013

We end the week with Elly being so happy about getting her new job, she dances on the coffee table.

(Strip Number 4404, Original Publication Date, 20 January 1984)

Panel 1: Elly smiles broadly as she thought-bubbles that she got a job...an actual, salaried job.

Panel 2: She reminds herself that it's perfect for her because she reads books to children.

Panel 3: We shift focus to Lizzie's room where John has to reassure Lizzie that nothing's wrong downstairs so she can go back to bed.

Panel 4: After all, Elly tap-dances on the coffee table all the time.

Summary: While she won't be doing the buck and wing in the Lynnsight, we can probably expect Lynn to say that when she got the contract for the strip, she really wanted to.

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