dreadedcandiru2 (dreadedcandiru2) wrote in binky_betsy,

Friday, 7 December 2012

In today's strip, Annie's principled stand against toys that promote violence clashes with a visual reminder that violence is inherent within the human psyche.

(Strip Number 6022, Original Publication Date, 9 December 1983)

Panel 1: It would seem that the shopping party has wandered over to the toy section; this is because Christopher points to a display of toy guns (cleverly named "Willy Warmonger" by Lynnie Facile-Moralizer) and says Wantdatmommy!!

Panel 2: No dice, says Annie; she will not allow him to own toys that promote violence. (It should be noted that Annie has adapted Elly's protocol of not looking a child in the face when she speaks to him. Way to show'em who's boss, idjits.)

Panel 3: Lizzie sticks her tongue out and Nyeahhhs him like she's a Peanuts character.

Panel 4: Christopher responds by taking the safe, pacifistic, mother-approved toy monkey he's been carrying and WHAPS Lizzie on the back of the head with it. Since Annie and Elly are stupid, they're shocked by this.

Summary: The Lynnsight will probably blame all the violence in the world on evil, conflict-causing men who want to make life harder for busy mothers. Problem is that there are busloads of 'weak' women I wouldn't want to meet in a dark alley. Or, for that matter, in bright daylight.

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