dreadedcandiru2 (dreadedcandiru2) wrote in binky_betsy,

Monday, 13 August 2012

Today's the beginning of another extra-annoying "John can't admit that other people's feelings matter as much as his own" arcs; we begin it with JFTF making a lovely comment that implies that his overwhelmed, overworked wife is lazy because no one pays her for her strivings on his behalf.

(Strip Number 450, Original Publication Date, 15 August 1983)

Panel 1: We find the Pattersons having a cup of coffee together. As they do say, Elly tells him what a great experience the farm was.

Panel 2: She reminds him that she drove the tractors, loaded pigs, cooked for ten and augured grain.

Panel 3: She's practically bursting with pride when she tells him that she's done so many things she's never done before.

Panel 4: Too bad John has to spoil things by making a stupid crack about how great it was to see her working for a change. Nice one, fathead! Maybe we can get you a kitten to set on fire while you're at it.

Summary: Does John think Elly's lazy? Judging from the fact that it took twenty years for him to realize that if she had a second ass, she'd work it off too, probably. Granted, he IS too stupid to realize that he's married a raging paranoiac who'd think that there was an ulterior motive in the weather forecast but still, he should probably stop saying words.

  • Friday, 1 October 2010

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  • Monday, 14 September 2009

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