(Strip Number 445, Original Publication Date, 30 July 1983)
Panel 1: We start things off with Mike and Lizzie dumping grain out of their hair and clothing. For some reason, it clatters on the floor.
Panel 2: They continue to do so.
Panel 3: As they walk down the hallway (all the while crunching grain underfoot), Michael yells "Guess what, Mom?"
Panel 4: He points to the trail he and Lizzie left and explains to his horrified Mother that Uncle Danny's got a whole shed full of barley.
Summary: If this is the strip aprilp_katje thinks it might be, the notes will be all about how Ruth and Tom took Aaron up to Lynn Lake after hearing about how he wound up in a grain bin when no one was looking. The passivity in the notes (Oh, well, I guess we'd better keep him from dying.) makes me wonder who really insisted that Ruth and Tom move to Corbeil.