(Strip Number 439, Original Publication Date, 11 July 1983)
Panel 1: Now that we're at the Cruikshank farm, Bev takes one of the carry-on bags while Danny tells the Pattersons that it's been a long time.
Panel 2: As Elly and Bev's silhouettes compare notes, Danny looks down at the kids, smiles and says "This can't be Michael, can it? And who's this big girl?"
Panel 3: Since Mike's brain is tiny, he tells Danny that he and Lizzie have grown since he saw them last. Ah, well. Can't expect a seven year old to know that the adult praising knows he's grown. I didn't at that age.
Panel 4: Anyways, Danny does the expected and asks John what kind of fertilizer he's been using.
Summary: This, as I've said, is the sort of harmless, pleasant, slice-of-life strip most people think of when they think of the Pattersons and their wacky adventures. Too bad that Lynn has a lot of anger to work out until we get more of them.