dreadedcandiru2 (dreadedcandiru2) wrote in binky_betsy,

Saturday, 7 July 2012

We end this week's edition of Security Theatre with John drawing a self-serving conclusion that meshes nicely with a strongly-held preconception. Simply put, the whole thing is the fault of his horrible children who want to embarrass him because they're ungrateful. Or, to say it in "human being" instead of "Stupid Train [Boxcar]", John is stooooooooopid, useless, evil and must die.

(Strip Number 438, Original Publication Date, 9 July 1983)

Panel 1: We find ourselves watching Tringe hand John back the toy guns and apologizing for the hold-up (thereby violating federal law).

Panel 2: He then tells them that they can get to Gate Five and catch their plane if they hurry.

Panel 3: Mike, who has no idea what the flipping heck just happened, asks a veeeeeeeery pissed-off John why they were searched and what a lethal weapon is.

Panel 4: John's response is to scowl and tell him that it means 'any kid under the age of ten.'

Summary: How clever of him to come up with such a creative definition. I have a clever definition of my own for "rancid pile of manure": "dentist who blames small children for his own witlessness and lack of foresight." Ah, well. This wasn't the first time that either he or Elly came to the conclusion that the end result of their being imbeciles a DNA base pair away from complete and utter slobbering cretinism was the fault of the children who happened to be in the way nor will it be the last. More's the pity. 

  • Friday, 1 October 2010

    We begin the month with a reminder that John doesn't want to be made to feel guilty about being a jackass with a self-serving and irrational opinion…

  • Thursday, 30 September 2010

    Today's strip pretty much explains who and what John is as a parent; that's because he not only reveals himself to be a firm believer in what…

  • Monday, 14 September 2009

    I think it's safe to say that we might see the arc in which Elly subs for Jean and makes a complete and utter bollocks of it. This is, of course,…

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  • Friday, 1 October 2010

    We begin the month with a reminder that John doesn't want to be made to feel guilty about being a jackass with a self-serving and irrational opinion…

  • Thursday, 30 September 2010

    Today's strip pretty much explains who and what John is as a parent; that's because he not only reveals himself to be a firm believer in what…

  • Monday, 14 September 2009

    I think it's safe to say that we might see the arc in which Elly subs for Jean and makes a complete and utter bollocks of it. This is, of course,…