(Strip Number 434, Original Publication Date, 5 July 1983)
Panel 1: Now that we're at Pearson International, we find Mike and Lizzie being ordinary kids. They do this by asking when the plane is to arrive and if they can have a toy.
Panel 2: John smiles wanly as he buys them art deco plastic ray blasters that make electronic zapping sounds.
Panel 3: As the kids have fun shooting imaginary Klingons, a horrified Elly asks John why he bought them those things.
Panel 4: John sheepishly says "To keep them quiet"; Elly reacts by getting enraged.
Summary: This is why any smart traveler brings a toy with him or her if he or she has kids along for the trip. Since John is unused to the whole 'keep the kids happy' concept, he ends up blowing it big time and resolves to not make that mistake again.