dreadedcandiru2 (dreadedcandiru2) wrote in binky_betsy,

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

In today's strip, Ted's talking about how he doesn't want too much structure in his life leads to John dissing him for being piss-poor company.

(Strip Number 6013, Original Publication Date, 5 April 1983)

Panel 1: Ted, who looks as if he's on the defensive, tells John "The way I see it, everybody's entitled to his freedom."

Panel 2: He goes on to state that he sees Connie when he sees it and isn't tied down by all this "When are you coming home, dear?" stuff.

Panel 3: He then sets up the punchline by telling John that it all boils down to his preferring his own company.

Panel 4: As they leave the bar, John tells Ted that there's no accounting for taste.

Summary: The Lynnsight is all about how she'd needed to make Connie be in love with an obvious villain like Ted. Since his villainy seems to be limited to not wanting to be married to a clingy, needy basket-case, the piles of fan mail that cheer her on must come from other women who got jerked around by dimwitted, indecisive and entitled man-children.

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