dreadedcandiru2 (dreadedcandiru2) wrote in binky_betsy,

Thursday, 22 March 2012

In today's strip, Elly's anger at not being able to buy a swimsuit that doesn't make her look like a pole dancer causes her to inadvertently slam into another motorist.

(Strip Number 6009, Original Publication Date, 24 March 1983)

Panel 1: We find Raging Elly driving her hoverwagon and thought-bubbling "Grumble-snarl-grumble-grumble"; the presence of Lizzie in the front seat is sure to inspire letters to the effect that back before all of this "not wanting small children to die needlessly" nonsense, life used to be great.

Panel 2: Rage turns into panic when she BUMPS into something or other.

Panel 3: She face-palms in frustration as a bald man with a comically-misshapen head and eyeglasses who I'll call Mr Beeweather yells "Hey, Lady!! What are you trying to do??"

Panel 4: As Beeweather scowls at her, Abashed Elly thought-bubbles about how one should never drive while under the influence of a bad mood.

Summary: Well, that pretty much takes Elly off the road right there, doesn't it? Since she's always pissed off, she probably shouldn't drive too far, eh? Also, we're about to see something really weird that I've never been able to explain: the fact that having an accident is The Worst Thing EVER!!! to her. Perhaps a Lynnsight will explain it.

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  • Monday, 14 September 2009

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  • Friday, 1 October 2010

    We begin the month with a reminder that John doesn't want to be made to feel guilty about being a jackass with a self-serving and irrational opinion…

  • Thursday, 30 September 2010

    Today's strip pretty much explains who and what John is as a parent; that's because he not only reveals himself to be a firm believer in what…

  • Monday, 14 September 2009

    I think it's safe to say that we might see the arc in which Elly subs for Jean and makes a complete and utter bollocks of it. This is, of course,…