(Strip Number 4309, Original Publication Date, 9 March 1983)
Panel 1: We start things off with Elly telling Anne that John accidentally threw out a bag full of good (and by good, she means clothes that Mike and Lizzie probably out-grew) clothes.
Panel 2: She then tells her that when it comes to domestic things, a man is quite simply incapable of thinking about what he's doing. As she defames all men everywhere to make herself a better martyr, smoke comes in from off-panel.
Panel 3: Anne points out the source of said smoke. It seems that Elly's soup is burning because she's too busy not letting go of something and making sweeping generalizations to pay attention to what she's doing.
Panel 4: As she takes the burning soup off the burner, she thought-bubbles that she thinks, she just doesn't remember.
Summary: Gee, Elly. Maybe if you'd remembered to tell John what was in that bag, none of this crap would have happened. Naw. Can't think that way. Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to run around thinking that you're the only person who can do anything. Can't have that happen. Otherwise, you might end up being freaking grateful for the people in your life instead of a nasty jerk loaded with malice and self-pity.