(Strip Number 374, Original Publication Date, 7 March 1983)
Panel 1: We start things off with Elly telling John that she was sorting through the kid's summer clothes and now she can't find them.
Panel 2: She starts telling him that she put them in a bag when he interrupts and asking if it was a green garbage bag.
Panel 3: Since she thinks that he knows where it is, she asks him where he saw it last.
Panel 4: His explaining that he threw it out leads her to frown the Goggle-Eyed Frown of Existential Horror.
Summary: Here's the problem that I have with this strip. While I know that what he did is an inconvenience, he didn't do so planning on making Elly's life worse. I also know that Elly, Lynn and any number of snippy women who post on Coffee Talk will. not. see. it. that. way. The concept "honest mistake" is simply not a concept that they can believe in.